We have been asked about the PDF copies of ET 101 – The Cosmic Instruction Manual and wanted to explain to our readers and fans why many of them have been removed from the Internet.

Some questions that have been asked:

Why have they been removed?
The copies of ET 101 that many have made available over the years via the Internet have been unauthorized and pirated editions. Some have even removed information and were circulating incomplete copies of the book. As the rightful stewards of the information contained in this book, we retain our right to oversee its content and distribution.

Is it because of money they have been removed?
As much as we might wish to make the book freely available to everyone in order to further the evolution of consciousness, we are not able to do so at this time. Since we still have obligation to pay for services related to publishing, translation services, website development, studio fees and development of projects currently in the works, we are required to charge for our services in order to meet these obligations. Until such time when money is no longer required on planet Earth, or we are given the command to release ET 101 freely, we have no choice but to charge for this work.

Why are you concerned with copyright of the book?
We appreciate your thoughts about copyright and the dysfunction of having to copyright works here on this planet. However, many people have put in many hours in an effort to continue sharing the message of ET 101 with this planet. They rightfully expect remuneration to remain in housing, purchase food and other necessities to live and continue to do this work. The copyright, for now, helps protect them as well as the author. Until the dysfunction of paying to live and survive here on this planet has changed, we do hope you will honor the author’s copyright protection and just ask permission from Mission Control here – https://et101.net/wp/copyright-terms-of-use-privacy-policy/.

We do hope this helps explain the removal of pirated copies of ET 101 in a clear and concise manner. If you would like to assist those who cannot purchase the book, please allow them to borrow your book to help assist in this Mission. Better still, buy them one. We certainly would appreciate your generosity.