The resurgence of E.T. 101 continues unabated. The recently re-published English version and its French translation, both in Print-On-Demand format, and the long-standing German translation, are now being joined by a Spanish edition (currently in editing), and an Italian edition (currently in translation). It may not stop there, either.

(The English edition is also in Kindle format.)

Please meet the newest people spirit has sent our way.

In Search of:
Italian Editor, fluent in both Italian and American.
(“The King’s English is not the King’s. It’s a joint stock company, and Americans own most of the shares.” – Mark Twain)
Print-on-Demand pre-publication assistance.
Audio Recording Studio in the greater metropolitan area of the
Four Corners, USA.
Hackers wanted, Russians preferred. (Just kidding – And checking to see if you are paying attention, as suggested.)

Meet Paola Montanaro: (Italian translator / Traduttrice italiana)

Geneticamente italiana (ma anche culturalmente spagnola, tedesca e svizzera), lavoro come psicologa e psicoterapeuta sistemico-relazionale. L’eterna questione del: “cosa c’é dietro” mi ha sempre motivata. Inseguendo la mia passione, ho lavorato e viaggiato per il mondo, ho imparanto diverse lingue ed ho approfittato per tastare alcune culture.

Nel 2007 é iniziato il mio processo di risveglio. Lento e soffice, ma non meno intenso! Grazie al mio Sé Superiore, a maestri e guide (cani, gatti, delfini e balene inclusi) ho iniziato a comprendere le visioni che avevo da piccola. Uno dei miei maestri é stato il Manuale ET 101. Ora, dopo 10 anni, ho riscoperto il messaggio del Controllo della Missione ed il suo significato, che adesso trovo ancora più profondo nel leggerlo con occhi nuovi.

A modo di intercambio energetico e di dichiarazione d’appartenenza alla Missione, mi sono offerta per essere la traduttrice della versione italiana di questo libro magnifico. Ringrazio Zoev Jho (Diana Luppi) ed il Controllo della Missione per la co-creazione di questa avventurosa ed appassionante interazione. Ed auguro a tutti i lettori italiani del Manuale, una lettura di trasformazione, attivazione e gioia. Adesso é il momento. Paola Montanaro


I’m genetically Italian (but also culturally Spanish, German and Swiss) and I work as a psychologist and systemic psychotherapist. I have always been motivated by the eternal question: “what’s behind everything”. Following my passion, I have traveled and worked around the world, learned different languages and took the opportunity to taste some cultures.

In 2007 my spiritual awakening process started. Slow and soft, but no less intense! Thanks to my higher self, masters and guides (dogs, cats, dolphins and whales included) I began to understand the visions that I had when I was a child. One of my masters has been the ET 101 manual. Now, after ten years, I rediscovered Mission Control’s message and its meaning, which now is even deeper as I read it with new eyes.

As an energy exchange and a way to declare my membership to the Mission, I offered to be the Italian translator of this wonderful book. I thank Zoev Jho (Diana Luppi) and Mission Control for the co-creation of this adventurous and exciting interaction. And I wish all the Italian readers of the Manual a transforming, activating and joyful reading. Now is the time.Paola Montanaro


Meet Christopher Anama-Green: (Spanish editor / Redactor español)

Bueno, yo soy un profe de español y también un estudiante del universo. Vivo en los EEUU pero me gusta viajar a países hispánicas cuando pueda. Conozco México, la República Dominicana, España, y Puerto Rico.

Me interesan muchísimas las cosas metafísicas y me encantaría aprender más de los secretos de nuestra existencia. Hace cinco años, empece estudiar metafísicas, Reiki, y otras cosas relacionadas a energía y la vida espiritual. Siempre había tenido interés en “espiritualidades alternativas” (como se dicen). Gracias al universo, encontré el libro E.T. 101 hace dos años. Me sentía mucho mejor que haya otra gente como yo. Es un placer trabajar en este proyecto para compartir este libro magnifico con el mundo hispánico.   Christopher Anama-Green


I am a Spanish teacher and also a student of the universe. I live in the USA, but I love to travel to Spanish-speaking countries when I can. I have traveled to and am familiar with Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Spain, and Puerto Rico.

I am very interested in metaphysical things and I always love to learn more about the secrets of our existence. About five years ago I began to study metaphysics, Reiki, and other things related to energy and spiritual living. I have always had an interest in “alternative spiritualities” (as they are called). Thanks to the Universe, I found E.T. 101 about two years ago. I felt much better to learn that there were other people like me. It is a pleasure to work on this project to share this magnificent book with the Hispanic world.  Christopher Anama-Green


Selene Medina: (Spanish editor / Redactora española)

Soy una semilla estelar experimentando con la vida en esta Planeta. Soy de la Ciudad de México y trabajaba como Ingeniera en Sistemas, pero “la vida” me llevó por un camino muy distinto. Ahora diseño joyería con cristales y doy terapias de relajación a otras semillas estelares.

Desde adolescencia me interesa la Metafísica. Hace cinco años todo cambió radicalmente a partir de un sueño lúcido (más como un viaje fuera de la Tierra) y extrañamente regresé con un lado más artístico y una actitud de búsqueda insaciable por “respuestas.” Estudié Reiki, sanación con cristales; y elegí la Auto-maestría como modus vivendi.

Hace un par de años encontré E.T. 101, el cual me respondió tanto y me llevó a seguir en éste camino. Me alegra y apasiona poder participar en este proyecto que puede ayudar a otros en este despertar masivo. – Selene Medina


I’m a starseed experimenting with life while on this Planet. I am from Mexico City and I previously worked in Information Technology. However, “life” took me on a very different path. Now I design jewelry with crystals and I give relaxing therapies to other seekers and starseeds.

Since I was a teenager I have been interested in Metaphysics. Five years ago, everything radically changed after I had a lucid dream (more like a trip away from Earth) and strangely came back with a more artistic side. I also had an insatiable thirst for “answers”. I studied Reiki, healing with crystals; and I chose Self-Mastery as a way of life.

A couple of years ago, I found E.T. 101, which answered so much and led me further on my path. I’m happy and passionate about participating in this project that can help others in this time of mass awakening. – Selene Medina


Thank You / Merci !

We wish to thank Emmanuel Peltier, the translator of the French Edition of E.T. 101 for his valiant effort in also translating “I Will Blend No More Forever”, available on this website here.
Nous souhaitons remercier Emmanuel Peltier, traducteur de l’édition française de E.T. 101 pour son effort courageux d’avoir également traduit « Je Ne Me Fondrai Plus Jamais Dans La Masse », disponible sur ce site ici.


We also wish to thank Madagascar for lending us a French Editor. Thank you very much, Madagascar!

Aussi nous tenons à remercier Madagascar de nous avoir fourni un éditeur français. Merci beaucoup, Madagascar !