E.T. 101 has recently been re-published in both English and French in Print-On-Demand format, available on

(The English edition is also in Kindle format.)

The Official Spanish Edition is now in process and will be followed by Audio Editions in both English and Spanish.

  Yikes !  Spirit is on the move with this book, yet again.

Why did these people, totally unsolicited, choose to volunteer for this project?  One, an engineer from France; another, a Venezuelan with a background in graphic design and architecture,  currently studying Spiritual Psychology in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and a third, an accomplished Rune Reader from the eastern United States who loves reading E.T. 101 out loud – all of whom expressed interest and asked permission to make a contribution to the further distribution of E.T. 101.

That is a form of magic that only Spirit can arrange.


Thank You !

Yoly – On her way out of town…

Many thanks to Yoly Fivas, a special agent sent in on assignment to remove a few road blocks in the way of our mission. It was Yoly who started the ball rolling by formatting and bringing to publication the Kindle version of E.T. 101, without asking anything for her service. Everything else hinged on this one magnanimous act which cut the initial path for all who followed. Thank you, Universe, and thank you, Yoly !




Meet Emmanuel Peltier: (French translator / Tranduteur français)

Ingénieur de formation, les événements de la vie m’ont amené à me questionner et à reconsidérer mon parcours professionnel et personnel. Depuis plusieurs années, je suis ainsi parti en quête de vérité à propos de qui je suis, mais aussi à propos du monde qui m’entoure. J’ai donc progressivement pris part au mouvement d’éveil des consciences qui a actuellement lieu sur notre planète et j’ai à cœur de partager le fruit de mes recherches avec celles et ceux qui comme moi, s’interrogent sur leur vie et sont prêts à de profondes remises en causes pour devenir qui ils sont vraiment…

La version originale de E.T. 101 est venue à moi de façon totalement fortuite. J’ai pris énormément de plaisir à le lire du fait de son contenu hors du commun qui résonnait en moi et de son humour cinglant apte à réveiller les plus endormis. C’est après sa lecture que l’idée m’est venue de le traduire en français afin de rendre son message avant-gardiste accessible au plus grand nombre malgré la date de sa première publication. Le moment semblait être enfin venu pour que son contenu exceptionnel soit porté à la connaissance du public francophone! — Emmanuel Peltier


An engineer by training, the events of daily life brought me to question and reconsider my professional and personal paths. For some years now, I have been searching for the truth, not only of who I am, but also about the world that surrounds me. So I gradually took part in the movement of conscious awakening that is taking place on our planet, and have also been eager to share the fruits of my research with those who, like myself, are profoundly questioning themselves about their lives and are ready for deep self re-examination in order to become who they really are….

The original version of E.T. 101 came to me quite accidentally. I very much enjoyed reading it due to its unusual content which resonated inside me, and with its sharp humor, able to awaken even those most asleep. After reading it and despite its first publication date, the idea came to me to translate it into French in order to make its pioneering message accessible to a larger number of people. It seems like the time has finally come to spread its exceptional content to the French-speaking public! —  Emmanuel Peltier


Meet Ray David Manzanilla: (Spanish translator / Traductor de español)

Luego de una experiencia interdimensional que me cambió la vida por completo en abril del 2016, tuve la urgente necesidad de buscar respuestas para lo que me había sucedido. De alguna manera E.T. 101 me encontró. Lo leí en una noche. Reí y lloré con el. Me sentía aliviado: no me estaba volviendo loco, lo que me acababa de suceder había sido real. 

Días antes de encontrar el libro, había pedido asistencia a esa desconocida -pero al mismo tiempo, muy bien conocida hermosa voz dentro de mi cabeza que me invitaba a Amar y abrir mi corazón, a recordar. Pedí, y acudieron a mi llamado. Ya con con el libro en mis manos, era un asunto obvio el dedicarme a traducirlo para así dejarlo al alcance de más hermanos en misión -como Tú-  que estuviesen por ser contactados también. 

Desde entonces he contando conscientemente con las Fuerzas de la Luz por guía y asistencia hacia el despertar de mi verdadero ser. Mientras más rindo y entrego las defensas egoicas basadas en el miedo que he soportado durante mis años terrestres, mayor es la sensación de verdadera Libertad y Amor incondicional que toma control en mi Ahora. 

Actualmente, soy estudiante de Psicología Espiritual y un continuo investigador de códigos y mensajes a través de la Develación de Sueños, información que espero muy pronto poder compartir para el bien de todos. — Ray David Manzanilla

Ray David tiene un canal de YouTube llamado: “elpollitodice”. Puede verlo en inglés o en español


After a life-changing interdimensional experience back in April of 2016, I felt the urgent need of seeking explanations of what had happened to me. While trying to find some answers, E.T. 101 found its way to me. I read it in one night. I cried and laughed with it. I felt relief: I wasn’t going crazy –  what had just happened to me was real. 

Days before I found the book, I was asking for assistance to that unknown, but at the same time very well known, lovely voice inside my head who was inviting me to Love and to open my heart, to remember. I asked, and they came. Now with the book in my hands, it was an obvious thing to me to translate it so that all my brothers in mission – like You – who might be available for contact, could have it at their reach. 

Since then I have consciously counted on the Forces of Light for guidance and assistance in the awakening of my True Self on Earth. The more I surrender the egoic and fear-based defenses I have endured through my years on Earth, the more the sensation of real Freedom and unconditional Love takes control in my Now. 

At the moment, I am a student of Spiritual Psychology in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an ongoing researcher of messages and codes through Dream Revelations, which research I hope to share very soon for the benefit of all. — Ray David Manzanilla

Ray David has a YouTube Channel: “elpollitodice”. Check it out in English or in Spanish.


Meet Ann Skladanek: (English narrator / Narrateur anglais / Narrador inglés)

E.T. 101 is a ‘go-to’ book. I’ve read it hundreds of times and it’s still as fresh and engaging as the day I purchased it. I’ve always had a copy on hand and at my fingertips since it came out in 1990, and given away dozens of copies over the years. E.T. 101 is my guaranteed laugh for the day as I often open its pages and randomly read a paragraph out loud; my spirit lifter as I’m reminded by its content that even as we walk through our ordinary 3D lives, we’re playing a much bigger game on multiple dimensions; and the book most requested to be read at gatherings of friends – and it’s also a great bedtime story!

Finally meeting the author, Zoev Jho (Diana Luppi), has added another delightful dimension to my understanding and love of this timely and evolutionary material. She’s an embodiment of the crazy amalgam that happens when you mix 3D human with sentient spiritual awareness that lets you know you’re in the presence of something different, something bigger – someone with a gift to share, even though you may not be quite sure just exactly what it is.

Both E.T. 101 and its author, Zoev Jho (Diana Luppi), are extraordinary.  Both carry the activation codes for our current transformation.  Look for Diana at upcoming events, and in the meantime, read the book and watch what happens…

(BTW, Ann is a Rune Reader extraordinaire, and can be reached at This is a great gift.)



The Official German Translation, published by Genius Verlag and translated by Dagmar Neubronner, is also available on and throughout Europe.


Note: Still seeking a sound studio in the eastern United States for the audio recording of E.T. 101. (Need not be fancy.)